About Jodi Frediani

JODI FREDIANI is an award-winning Monterey Bay based photographer specializing in imagery of marine species. Her travels have taken her on photographic adventures to Africa, Antarctica, Argentina, Brazil, Mongolia, Norway, Thailand, and annually to the Caribbean and South Pacific where she regularly swims with whales.
In addition to photographing wildlife in its many forms and habitats, Frediani is engaged in humpback whale research in Alaska, Monterey Bay and the Dominican Republic. She also gathers fluke ID photos from the Silver Bank, Dominican Republic, providing the data to Allied Whale at the College of the Atlantic, Bar Harbor, Maine and CEBSE in the DR. She provides Monterey Bay fluke ID photos to Happywhale and Cascadia Research. She works closely with California Whale Rescue providing photographic back up for entangled whales, and has assisted the California Academy of Sciences and Long Marine Lab with photographic documentation of whales injured and killed by ship strikes. Her whale behavioral images have supported the environmental NGO CEBSE in the Dominican Republic and the Alaska Whale Foundation. She is currently using her photographic skills and knowledge of whale behavior as a member of the WhaleSETI team conducting humpback whale acoustic research in Alaska.
For over thirty years she worked as an environmental consultant, so wildlife conservation and protection are second nature to her. Her multiple and varied past careers have also given her extensive experience in public speaking and teaching, which she uses to wow crowds with her photographic presentations nationally and internationally.
Her images have been recognized for excellence in multiple national and international competitions and juried exhibits, including the 2023 Nature Photographer of the Year (NPOTY) (First Place, Black & White), the 2022 Wildlife Photographer of the Year (WPY) (People's Choice selection), the 2017 California Academy of Sciences BigPicture Competition (First Place, Art of Nature) and the 28th Edition of the Memorial Maria Louisa International Mountain, Nature and Adventure Photo Contest.
She also received Judge’s Choice in the 2017 NANPA Showcase plus multiple images in the Top 100 (2023, 2017). Two of her images have made it into the semi-finals for the 2018 Nature’s Best Photo Competition. Her work has appeared in national and international publications, including Carl Safina’s National Geographic blog, “Ocean Views”, and the BBC’s television special “Nature’s Weirdest Events”.
Memberships & Affiliations
North American Nature Photography Association (NANPA)
American Cetacean Society
Society for Marine Mammalogy
Research Affiliate UC Davis
WhaleSETI Team
Canon Professional Services